Wednesday 22 April 2009


For this project we were told to create our own alphabet.
after researching and studying alphabet designs that i liked the look of then commenced in creating my own.

i like the way the letters are separated by small lines in some of the alphabets and i also like the futuristic look that some of them had.

i decided that mine would consist of silmilar attributes to the ones i liked above. i wanted my alphabet to not only be readable but i also wanted to create something that i believe represented my style of design.

This is my finished alphabet althought it is similar to some of the others it is also very unique in the way the individual letter shapes have been space and where the blank spaces are also make my alphabet unique to my personality.

I also decided to create a short conversation between two people to show the differences and similarity's in the way different people from the same city use the same words.

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