Wednesday 22 April 2009

celebrity cheese

I will start this post by saying i was very confused about this project from the start to the finish but i completed it to the best of my ability.

i decided to take 7 different types of cheese and compare them to 7 of my friends posing as celebrity's. comparisons will be made on personality traits and origin and make of cheese.

during my cheese research i found that there were this many cheeses and more.

Sardo cheese
Testouri cheese
Caravane cheese
Bokmakiri cheese
Kwaito cheese
Andari cheese
Fahnni Batur
Sakura cheese from Hokkaidō, an award-winning soft white flavored with cherry leaves
Tenshi Cheese made with a combination of sake and sheep's milk
Ackawi cheese
Basket cheese
Labneh, a soft cheese made from yogurt with a slightly sour taste.
Jibneh Arabieh cheese
Kenafa cheese
Naboulsi cheese
Syrian cheese
Tabriz cheese
Sia mazegi cheese
Yak cheese (Also known as Kijarimipu)
Xynomizithra - (Crete, Island of Myconos)
Xynotyro - (Island of Myconos)
Zirozoulli - (Crete)
Zipouro cheese (with grapelike liquor) - (Arachova, Thessaly)
Balaton Cheese
Pecorino Romano
Pecorino Sardo
Piave cheese
Romano cheese
Sottocenere al tartufo
Stracciatella di Bufala
Bieno sirenje
Maleshevsko sirenje
Ovchepolsko sirenje
Galichki kashkaval
Gbejna (Ġbejna)
Pljevaljski sir (Pljevlja cheese)
Njeguški sir (Njeguši cheese)
Frisian cheese
Gouda and Smoked Gouda
Leyden cheese
Spitse cheese
Geitost cheese
Geitost cheese
Graddost cheese
Jarlsberg cheese
Nøkkelost cheese
Norvegia cheese
Pultost cheese
Balsfjord cheese
Ingers Blå
Bursztyn - mature cheese similar to Gruyere
Colby-Jack cheese (Cojack)
Cold Pack
Cougar Gold cheese
Cream cheese
Cup Cheese
Mar del Plata cheese
Por Salut
Manson Printer
Minas (a. k. a. "Queijo Minas Padrão", "Queijo Frescal" and "Queijo Curado")

And then a whole lot more...

I really like the way this turned out, im still completely con used but i have linked the cheese to my friends based on their names and my friends personality's this was the outcome.



for this particular project i began by researching and downloading the same font that is used for road signs in the UK.

my aim is to create a booklet of obvious road signs around the UK and turn them into dumb or funny road signs. basically to just completely take the piss out of the dumbest/ most obvious road signs i can find.

Front Page

and these are the road signs that i have re-packaged.

I will cut these out and put them together to form the booklet, my target audience is students or people who collect novelty instruction manual's.


For this project we were told to create our own alphabet.
after researching and studying alphabet designs that i liked the look of then commenced in creating my own.

i like the way the letters are separated by small lines in some of the alphabets and i also like the futuristic look that some of them had.

i decided that mine would consist of silmilar attributes to the ones i liked above. i wanted my alphabet to not only be readable but i also wanted to create something that i believe represented my style of design.

This is my finished alphabet althought it is similar to some of the others it is also very unique in the way the individual letter shapes have been space and where the blank spaces are also make my alphabet unique to my personality.

I also decided to create a short conversation between two people to show the differences and similarity's in the way different people from the same city use the same words.

rythym & rhyme

My foucs for this project was to create a fictional representation of what my views are of the music industry. the genre i would be focusing on will be Uk Urban Music and my target audience would be 18 - 25 year old males that are interested in music and what goes on behind the scenes, so it would quite a nieche audience.

the magazine shall consist of interviews with:

  • MC's
  • Writers
  • Singers
  • Producers
  • Management
  • Dj's
All the characters will be fictional but the interviews will be authentic interviews that i have with people i know within the industry who wish to remain annonymous.

The name that i chose for the magazine was one mic. i looked at some established hiphop magazines and i played with some possible magazine covers before choosing the one i wanted to stick with.

The first step i made was to create the logo for the magazine.

i wanted something eye catching and readable so i decided to first create the logo/title and then play with the colours and let some potential buyers decide which suited the future contents of the magazine the best. these were their choices.

after carrying out a survey asking "which would look best on an urban exploitation music magazine". Out of 50 potential buyers in Westfield shopping public gave me this response.

ordered in appearance form top to bottom.

1. 4 people liked
2. 7 people liked
3. 3 people liked
4. 13 people liked
5. 11 people liked
6. 12 people liked

to my surprise the top 3 were the bottom three the non colour versions. i asked a few people why they preferred one of these rather than the colour and my answers were:

" that's not hip hop.." - Susan for Hackney

"it looks bait gimmicky..." - boy on bike Tristan from Manchester

"urban music needs to go back to black..." - Shelia from Charleston

"the truth about any type of music is that it is either black or white good or bad that's why number for is, in my opinion the best logo for your magazine...." - Malcolm from Shepard's Bush

I particularly liked the last comment and decided that i would use that for my magazines tag.

I then asked myself, do i want to have a picture of a beautiful model on the front or do i want to have a picture of Britain's most controversial rapper on the front. like other magazines this would depend on the issue of the magazine in question, what is the main story of the magazine this issue. seeing as my magazine's main topic is to find out who what when and why things happen in music i decided to get several images and make them silhouettes to add a bit of mystery. and with mystery comes desirability.

I really like the way this turned out. kind of makes want to start a magazine.
I only want to make a few pages to this magazine because the look and feel im getting from it is that it should be a full 150 page magazine which i don't have time to do because of my other courses, work and other personal very important commitments. the next two pages are interviews. the first is with a friend of a friend who really did not wnat to do the interview unless i paid him the sum of £500, i obviously did not pay him instead i haggled and argued for about an hour and a half got an interview for £50 i think my haggaling skills are quite exceptional if you ask me.

because this is a blog and you can not actually see the text i shall save the juicy interview for the presentation/ assesment. i will not be printing the pages at a4 instead, i will be printing them on a glossy a3 paper.

the next interview is with a singer i met at a nightclub in central london, luckily she was a little intoxicated so she didnt ask for any payment. suprisingly her words wer alot clearer than i expected so i got an ok interview out of her, considering the questions i was asking her.

i must repeat the names and imagery are of other people i know, i did this to protect the identity of the real people i interviewed. so the three pictures i took myself and edited on photo shop and the interviews are from two completely different people to the photographs.

Finally, my magazine is supposed to be one of great controversy so i decided i needed something to let my readers know, who is still being true and who has lost their way. This time i chose to use real celebrity's in real life controversial story's. I call it "THE SOUL METER".

again you shall not be able to read the comments online but you will see them in big a3 glossy paper.

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Urban Myths & Legends

"invent your own Urban Myth and/or Legend. design a website for it and five other urban myths. What is a myth? Can this include fables, parables and allegories?"

Definition: An apocryphal, secondhand story told as true and plausible enough to be believed, about some horrific, embarrassing, ironic, or exasperating series of events that supposedly happened to a real person.

I have decided to create my own Urban Legend. Based on "Urban" slang the Legend that i shall create is...


(Urban Dictionary definition:
someone who does nothing with their life (or nothing much) eg Jimmy drops out of school and has no job and claims benefits for 5 years an still lives at home with his mum an has dirty clothes- Jimmy is a wasteman.)

I am going to make a short documentary talking to people about their experiences, views with the "The Wasteman"