Wednesday 11 February 2009

Urban Myths & Legends

"invent your own Urban Myth and/or Legend. design a website for it and five other urban myths. What is a myth? Can this include fables, parables and allegories?"

Definition: An apocryphal, secondhand story told as true and plausible enough to be believed, about some horrific, embarrassing, ironic, or exasperating series of events that supposedly happened to a real person.

I have decided to create my own Urban Legend. Based on "Urban" slang the Legend that i shall create is...


(Urban Dictionary definition:
someone who does nothing with their life (or nothing much) eg Jimmy drops out of school and has no job and claims benefits for 5 years an still lives at home with his mum an has dirty clothes- Jimmy is a wasteman.)

I am going to make a short documentary talking to people about their experiences, views with the "The Wasteman"